Wednesday, June 13, 2012

HG Zeydra (eva 01 scheme)

finale for my entry for ZD base's Zeydra GB

decided to omit the tail for this,cause
1-evas don't have tails
2-it makes for a less obscene stand connection

small nerve logo i pasted just cause it was too plain

snatched the antenna away from the 1.0 eva 01 kit(which was infamous for it's loose hips and the reason why it's waist broke and how the antenna ended up here.)
anyone saw the trailers for eva 3.0?

and,last but not least

Zeydra KICK!!


  1. looks great =D

    and ohhhh wtheeeck hahahahaha poor Yui XDD

    1. haha,didn't found any kick subjects,thought i'd take it out on one of my most disliked characters in k-on ^^;
