Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Transformers generations deluxe FOC nemesis prime custom

let me say this 1st that black convoy/nemesis prime is my favorite prime of all.
didn't bother with the weathering cause i kinda like a clean nemesis prime

stuck some random mechtech weapon undernieth 

holder for the sword

knockout:hey sexy paintjob! lets be best bots!

nemesis prime:forget it.

ugh crooked decepticon logo,dun worry i got that fixed :3

"He just raped knockout,now he's coming for you."

comparisons with soundwave 

blacklight test

the turquoise?thats actually gold+gaia notes fluorescent blue :3

and yes,the head.

final shot to end the post :3


  1. Gotta love all the add-ons on this. That sword too. Still waiting for mine to arrive

    1. Naise.Till all are one....on the dark side :3

  2. how u made the emblem bro?

  3. what paint did you use? Do you have to take the figure apart to paint it? please respond as soon as you can. I want to start on my own NP version.

    1. yea he's really easy to take apart,like really easy just unscrew everything
      i just used basic black and gunmetal for the joints and silver for parts like the smokestacks,and also candy red and fluorescent blue for the red and turquoise bits
