Saturday, March 31, 2012

HG Zeydra intro

Finally got my lazy ass up to do this post(busy with what,watching guilty crown and ZZ gundam and gundam F91?do note that this is for ZD's zeydra groupbuild.)

box art

multi coloured A-plate,Naise eye candy.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Today's Loot(???)

something my uncle brought back from japan and gave me....not sure if i should be happy or not :/

Saturday, March 3, 2012

WIPS and today's loots!!


I'll go over the WIPs 1st,the 1st one is actually a from a week ago or so,

SD unicorn banshee
i just love the banshee over the unicorn,and rather than to wait for bandai to release an actual SD banshee i made one myself,novel version of course,still left his beam magnum and beam saber to go(rather i forgot to spray those the last time i touched my air brush =3=).

SD nu gundam
next is this,a project i was working on during gbwc period last year,and damn my skills have changed lol,giving this guy the proper attention he deserves,pla-plate eyes seam line removal etc still need to redo the shading too,the shading i did back then was with a black base ^^;,so that he could face up with SD sazabi :3 have yet to remove the damned hollow sides of his weapons ==; i'm just glad bandai ain't skimping out on the weapons on SD's nowadays,hats off to them for the return of elbow joints too.

Today's Loots

HG Zeydra,the 1st AGE kit that i actually bought(i have a genoace that was given to me when i won 3rd in junior category in a certain competition)

somehow,something's not right lol